Nearly 20 years ago, in a period of life when my spiritual path had become overgrown with weeds and my inner light dim, I attended a training in Mind Body Medicine. As part of the training, we learned a basic mindfulness meditation practice. In small groups, we sat in a circle and learned to attend… Read more
Letting Go of What I Thought I Couldn’t Live Without
At the height of my career and earnings, I became aware that I was increasingly beholden to a system with different values and reference points for life than the ones I had been investing in. In order to remain at the table and continue receiving the security and rewards I enjoyed, I was required to… Read more

An Exercise: Soft Gaze, Sleepy Mind
Throughout this year (2021), prior to our weekly sits at the Episcopal House of Prayer, we introduce short, practical exercises. These exercises intend to complement regular prayer practice—that is, their content and form will focus on building up the prayer muscles that support contemplative prayer. Each exercise is repeated for three to four weeks at… Read more