
"My spirit has always needed and sought out community"


Blessed Beyond Measure

Blessed beyond measure—that is how I have come to speak of my life in spite of the many tragic ups and downs that have occurred over the past seventy-five plus years. Community has always been a strong support holding me when I have needed holding, encouraging me to move forward when I would have given… Read more

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This Tree

I noticed “this tree” with the help of a friend as we walked along a trail in the sacred lands of the Santa Ana Pueblo in 2014. He pointed. And I took the shot.His words — “it looks like it died and then started growing in a new direction.”Since then I have painted the image… Read more

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Reflections on the Contemplative Way

I grew up in an anti-religion family, and yet my childhood was full of spiritual experiences. I was born exactly one year and nine months after the death of my parents’ firstborn, a son, at age five from leukemia. Each summer we often visited Little Harold’s grave, planting and watering flowers, but I spent the… Read more

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Mission & Vision

Our Mission is to assist in the ongoing work of discerning God's voice, both within ourselves and in the world; provide guidance in the search for wisdom; teach all forms of contemplative prayer; offer training in the inner work of the spiritual life.

The Vision of the Episcopal House of Prayer is to be a contemplative ministry of spiritual transformation, grounded in the Christian tradition, in the practice of Benedictine hospitality, reaching out and welcoming all.



Mailing Address

Episcopal House of Prayer
P.O. Box 5888
Collegeville, MN 56321

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