Described by some as a “social mystic” or “mystic activist,” Catherine of Siena lived a life defined both by deep mystical experiences, and active participation in the world around her. In this video lecture, Susan Stabile shares an engaging history of Catherine’s life and times, delves into her classic spiritual text The Dialogue of Divine Providence… Read more

Mystics Series: Eihei Dogen
Eihei Dogen, who lived in Japan in the early 13th century, was a Buddhist priest, writer, and founder of the Sōtō school of Zen. In this video lecture, Bussho Lahn offers both a historic view of Dogen and a personal one. All mystics invite us to engage with their teachings not just intellectually, but also… Read more

Mystics Series: Julian of Norwich
Who was the mysterious Middle Ages mystic Julian of Norwich, and what do her teachings have to offer us today? In this video lecture, Christine Luna Munger gives an overview of the life and times of Julian of Norwich, delves into her book Revelations of Divine Love (the first surviving book in English written by… Read more