Throughout this year (2021), prior to our weekly sits at the Episcopal House of Prayer, we introduce short, practical exercises. These exercises intend to complement regular prayer practice—that is, their content and form will focus on building up the prayer muscles that support contemplative prayer. Each exercise is repeated for three to four weeks at… Read more

An Exercise: Use of Breath to Support Contemplative Postures (spaciousness, suppleness, surrender)
Throughout this year (2021), prior to our weekly sits at the Episcopal House of Prayer, we introduce short, practical exercises. These exercises intend to complement regular prayer practice—that is, their content and form will focus on building up the prayer muscles that support contemplative prayer. Each exercise is repeated for three to four weeks at… Read more

Three Breaths Meditation
Breath practices can help us to ground ourselves, to truly tune into our experiences, and to develop skills in awareness, tension, and spaciousness. In this video, Christine Luna Munger offers a breath practice designed to help us notice spaciousness. This exercise invites us to pay attention to the spaciousness within the natural breath cycle, which… Read more